ACS880-304LC liquid-cooled diode supply modules
Built on our all-compatible architecture these diode supply units convert three-phase AC voltage to DC voltage in non-regenerative drive systems.
For non-regenerative drive systems
Built on our all-compatible architecture these diode supply units convert three-phase AC voltage to DC voltage in non-regenerative drive systems. The modules are specifically constructed to save space, cabling, and installation costs. There are two different diode supply unit types in the offering: an uncontrolled diode bridge (frame D8D) and a half-controlled diode supply module (frame D8T). The main difference between the types is controllability.
The uncontrolled diode bridge is typically used in single drive configurations and it is designed to be connected to a dedicated supply transformer which acts as an AC choke. These configurations are typical e.g. in Mining, Tunnel Boring and in Marine segments, where a dedicated transformer supplies energy for one large application, like a conveyor, a boring machine or a propulsion or thruster application. The uncontrolled diode bridge is extremely compact, which enables even smaller cabinets or enclosures than ever before. Module integration into low-height enclosures is also easy to do.
The half-controlled diode supply module is typically used in multidrive configurations, it has in-built AC chokes for harmonics mitigation and in-built thyristors to charge the inverters connected to the common DC bus. The unit has everything in-built, there is no need for additional external components.
Technical data
Cover all your possibilities with our all-compatible ACS880 industrial drives designed to tackle any of your motor-driven applications, in any industries.
Up to 7027 kVA
wide power range all the way from 585 kVAUp to 690 V
wide voltage range all the way from 380 VPresenting IP20/UL Type Open
enclosure classLESS THAN 3%
harmonic contentGUARANTEES 100%
motor voltage in all conditions due to voltage boost capabilityUp to 9 years
maintenance intervalKey benefits
The ACS880 industrial drive modules are specifically designed for machine builders and systems integrators. You can build flexibility, simplicity into your own cabinet. Made as a bookshelf variants, they can easily be pushed inside the cabinet using a pedestal on wheels.