ACS880-904 regenerative rectifier modules
This supply unit is used in regenerative drive systems to convert three-phase AC voltage to DC voltage. The unit consists of R8i and L filter modules.
Regenerative rectifier modules
This supply unit is used in regenerative drive systems to convert three-phase AC voltage to DC voltage. The unit consists of R8i and L filter modules. During motoring the input current flows through diodes to the DC bus of the drive system and the supply unit works as a diode bridge.
In regeneration the current flows from the DC bus through the IGBTs to the supply network. The IGBTs are switched to conduct only once during each network voltage cycle. This reduces switching losses and enables high input and output powers of the module.
Unlike with a thyristor bridge, the IGBTs can be switched off at any time which improves reliability.
Technical data
Cover all your possibilities with our all-compatible ACS880 industrial drives designed to tackle any of your motor-driven applications, in any industries.
Up to 4135 kVA
wide power range all the way from 416 kVAUp to 690 V
wide voltage range all the way from 380 VPresenting IP20/UL Type Open
enclosure classLESS THAN 3%
harmonic contentGUARANTEES 100%
motor voltage in all conditions due to voltage boost capabilityUp to 9 years
maintenance intervalKey benefits
The ACS880 industrial drive modules are specifically designed for machine builders and systems integrators. You can build flexibility, simplicity into your own cabinet. Made as a bookshelf variants, they can easily be pushed inside the cabinet using a pedestal on wheels.