The first Country Safety Team Award for PPHV Spacer team

The Safety Award was introduced to acknowledge and recognize outstanding individual or team contributions that promote a strong safety culture, support Don't Look the Other way campaign and identify, prevent, or correct safety related issues. All employees in ABB in Vietnam is eligible to submit nominations for achievements in safety area over the quarterly of the year 2015. And an important category of the award is Country Safety Team Award for any group of employees who have collaborated to develop and implement solutions to known or identified hazards that improve permanently workplace conditions and the safety of our people, either locally or beyond their own workplace. This may include the successful implementation or consistent maintenance of a Group or local safety goal or program over a period of time in the year. It based on Country strategic OHS objectives/targets/priorities and the Comapany Safety Resonsibilities Procedures Fulfillment.

In accordance with the "Don't look the other way" campaign introduced by the Group and the Country Safety Award called by ABB in Vietnam, the Company is pleased to announce PPHV Spacer Team as very first holder of the Country Safety Team Award for Quarter 1/2015.


PPHV Spacer Team with 3 members were selected for the first Safety Award of this Quarter. They have very good achievement with detecting unsafe conditions/unsafe acts in Spacer production line, contribute to prevent accidents and building a safety culture in the plant. Only in this first quarter, the number of safety issues that they have discovered has exceeded the target for the year 2015 (2 issues/person)

Minh DoanHai - a member of the team said: "Honestly, I feel so proud when receiving this award because my contribution to the Company was acknowledged. Reporting incidents helps factory reduce and prevent many possible accidents to people. Actually, Safety improvement is not the difficult and impossible issue as many people think. For example, if you see any dangerous signals, please report to Company and your manager immediately to prevent accident. Safety culture always exists in ABB in Vietnam and every employees should try to enhance the great culture "

Thanh PhamQuang - another member also shared how he apply Safety culture in his working process "Whenever I see any incident, I often write report paper, then, people can resolve and prevent these accidents. Furthermore, in working and controlling process, I find and notice any dangerous areas to warn people. "

There are still 3 quarters ahead, hopefully there will be more targets completed for the year of 2015 and also in the future.


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