AMR Studio®

A simple and intuitive way to set up AMRs

AMR Studio® is a software that streamlines the process of setting up an entire AMR fleet from start to finish. With its built-in intelligence, it guides you through the whole process, from environment mapping to mission generation and system configuration.

This software includes three main tools: Layout designer, Mission manager and Vehicle diagnostics.


AMR Studio® at a glance

The smart architect to build your project

Layout designer

With this application you can create, define and configure paths, stations, zones and external elements that are part of an automated AMR system. You can learn how to use it in less than 3 days!
  • Save time by defining the points of interest and stations while mapping the environment. 

  • Easily draw trajectories based on a Visual SLAM map or a drawing. 

  • Define each type of station with a single click and mark the areas where you want to limit traffic

  • Drag and drop as many peripherals as you need.

Mission manager

This no-code tool allows you to define the missions and jobs to be carried out by the AMRs without requiring any programming skills.
  • Easily understand the flows thanks to its connection with the Layout designer tool. 

  • Quickly configure the missions using predefined blocks with the most common actions.  

  • Save time using missions you have already created and stored in the library.


Vehicle diagnostics

With this feature you can obtain all insight data on each specific AMR, so troubleshooting is easy and quick.
  • Gain a deep understanding of AMR performance by plotting internal AMR parameters.

  • Analyze in detail what occurred before the error through the logs stored in the blackboxes.

  • Get a visual analysis of where the AMR has been moving in the layout.

  • Obtain all historical events and errors that the AMR noticed.

  • Connect to specific vehicles and check errors, variables and logs.

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