FAQ | Applications



What types of collaboration exist?

There are three types of collaboration, coexistence, intermittent collaboration and cooperative or close collaboration. They are enabled by safety-rated safety functions in collaborative robots, including power and force limiting, speed and separation monitoring, hand guiding, and safety-rated stop, as defined by ISO10218-1 and ISO/TS15066.

When is a collaborative robot useful?

Collaborative robots are useful where flexible automation is needed, such as smaller production batches where a lot of manual labor exists today. Collaborative robots have a smaller footprint with a lightweight design which makes them suitable for environments with limited spaces, their easy programming and lead-through features makes them ideal for first time robot users. The collaborative robots are ideal for customers who want to create a barrier free work environment where humans and robots can work side by side.

What ongoing product developments projects are there in the field of Collaborative Robotics in ABB?

ABB always strives to develop new technology and products to meet customer’s needs. You can find our existing and new products and services on the following link. https://new.abb.com/products/robotics

When will a higher payload YuMi® come out?


Currently YuMi® can handle a payload of 500 grams, however, ABB is constantly developing new robotic products, including collaborative robots, to fulfill our customers’ requirements.

Where can I find documentation and manuals for YuMi® and single-arm YuMi®?

You can find all documentation in ABB Library, please visit, https://library.abb.com/

What is the list price of YuMi® / single-arm YuMi®?

Please contact your local ABB Robotics sales office for a quotation.

Where can I find user case videos of YuMi® applications?

You can find them on ABB’s collaborative robot webpage, and also on ABB Robotics’ YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/ABBRobotics


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