ABB’s technical solutions ensures fully automated operations of two sewage treatment works based on a Compact HMI operator station and AC 800M controllers
A massive demand for functioning sewage systems
The sewage treatment works has been built just outside the suburb of Ja-Ela, 20 kilometres north of the capital city of Colombo, and is named after the locality. Another sewage treatment works is under construction in Ratmalana, approx 15 kilometres south of Colombo. Many of the capital’s 4 million inhabitants live and work in these suburbs. In addition, tourism is expanding at record speeds. There is a massive demand for clean drinking water and a functioning sewage system.
With financial support from SIDA (The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency), Sri Lanka’s water authority has given Purac, the contracting operation within the Swedish environmental technology group Läckeby Water Group, the task of planning the two sewage treatment works.
Christer Andersson, Project Manager, Purac.