Introducing ABB Australia’s Reconciliation Action Plan

In 2013, ABB in Australia launched its inaugural Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) to advance meaningful opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. ABB Australia's RAP not only formalises the company’s approach to reconciliation, it maps practical steps towards achieving greater awareness and inclusiveness across the organisation. 

Primarily the RAP will aide ABB's drive towards the establishment of effective training and employment programs to enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians to access and retain jobs across all its business divisions. In addition, the plan considers how ABB in Australia can provide more opportunities and effective outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander customers and supply partners

ABB will also focus on educating its workforce on the rich history and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through cultural training sessions and believes this will play a fundamental role in ABB's contribution to reconciliation.

RAP is framework for commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander engagement

"ABB Australia’s Reconciliation Action Plan is not only the right thing to do for the growth and success of our business, it is the right thing to do for the growth and prosperity of all Australians," said Tauno Heinola, managing director for ABB in Australia

Supporting UTS Galuwa Engineering and IT Experience

Galuwa means ‘to climb’ in Gadigal language and this is exactly what ABB and the UTS (University of Technology Sydney) wants Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students to do with this interactive winter program

Helping to close-the-gap on indigenous disadvantage and grow the pool of talented engineering graduates

Encouraging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to undertake engineering as a career

Students participating in the interactive workshop on electric motors and sustainable energy conducted by ABB

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