Carbon Tax Removal Substantiation Statement

Due to the introduction of the carbon tax, imports by ABB Australia of sulphur hexafluoride gas (SF6) since 1 July 2012 have been subject to the synthetic greenhouse gas (SGG) levy and this cost was passed to our SF6 customers. During the period 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 the SGG levy was equivalent to $550 per kilogram of SF6, increasing to $577 per kilogram from 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014, and was scheduled to increase to $607 per kilogram of SF6 from 1 July 2014.

Following repeal of the carbon tax, ABB will not incur the SGG levy on any SF6 imported after 1 July 2014, resulting in a saving of $607 per kilogram during the period 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015. Accordingly ABB will cease passing any SGG levy to its SF6 customers for any SF6 gas imported after 1 July 2014, saving them the $607 per kilogram that would have otherwise applied and giving a reduction of $577 per kilogram compared to what they paid in the previous period. Where supply of SF6 is being made pursuant to existing contractual arrangements, ABB will be writing to all affected customers to vary those contracts to formalise the removal of the SGG levy from the contract price.

Where SF6 has been imported for certain customers before 30 June 2014 such that the SGG levy has been incurred by ABB, the full 2013/14 levy of $577 per kilogram will continue to be passed to the relevant customers even if the SF6 is physically delivered to them after 30 June 2014. ABB will be writing separately to all customers in this position to explain the particulars and provide supporting documentation.

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