Device Management PROFINET

Freelance 2024 now supports PROFINET communication on AC 900F controller with the multi-purpose Ethernet Communication Interface

PROFINET - The Leading Industrial Ethernet Protocol
With its real-time communication capabilities PROFINET is the leading Industrial Ethernet protocol for communication between devices in industrial automation systems. It ensures reliable data transmission, supports various network topologies, and provides device configuration and diagnostics. It easily integrates existing systems and equipment while bringing the richness of Ethernet down to the factory floor. 
Freelance supports:
  • Up to 128 devices
  • S1 and S2 redundancy
  • According PROFINET spec V2.4
  • GSDML V2.3 or newer
  • AC 900F + CI 940F
  • Ready for Ethernet-APL

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Technical Data
Freelance 2024 now supports PROFINET communication on AC 900F controller with the multipurpose Ethernet Communication Interface. This CI 940F module has a 100BaseT Ethernet interface that can run with the PROFINET protocol. It supports S1 and S2 redundancy and up to 128 PROFINET devices. In combination with controller redundancy, this CI (Communication Interface) is also redundant and ensures highest availability.

With its real-time communication capabilities, Freelance is now capable to fully integrate the leading Ethernet protocol for communication between devices and industrial automation systems. It ensures reliable data transmission, supports flexible network topologies, and provides device configuration and diagnostics.

Ethernet Communication Interface CI 940F

PROFINET engineering
In Freelance 2024, PROFINET communication requires controllers of the AC 900F family. There is no support for AC 800F or AC 700F controller for the current release. Depending on the AC900F controller used, a single Freelance controller can contain up to four PROFINET IO-Controllers.

The communication interface module CI 940F acts as PROFINET IO-Controller (PN_CTRL) in PROFINET communication. PROFINET IO device (PN_DEV) is inserted under PROFINET IO- Controller (PN_CTRL), it will be listed in tree view automatically after insertion.

PROFINET commissioning

The PROFINET controller detail view interface shows the status of the PROFINET controller, PROFINET devices and field devices. If diagnostic data are available for a PROFINET module/submodule or PROFINET device the corresponding node is displayed in red. The red color is also passed on the superordinate nodes up to the node that represents the process station. This inherited color is also active if the tree is not expanded.

PROFINET device detail view The PROFINET device detail view interface shows the PROFINET IO device information, the device status as well as the diagnostic information. The status of field device is indicated by red/green/blue triangle symbols.


Other protocols supported in Freelance

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