The Track Changes Dashboard allows the management of baselines and included datasets:
- Detailed filter options for datasets on name, device package and time range, similar to the Device Status Dashboard.
- List of baselines matching the selected filter options, i.e. where at least one dataset from filter options is included.
- Baselines are displayed with timestamp, type (manual or automatic), scope (project, selection or single dataset names) and description (entered manually by the user or created automatically).
- Different options to interact with the baseline and included datasets.
Information can be displayed for a dedicated device/dataset, a user-selected list of devices/datasets, or all devices/datasets contained in a project.
The Track Changes Dashboard can be opened via Tools Menu - DASHBOARD - TRACK CHANGES or via MORE - DASHBOARD - TRACK CHANGES within the Device Tile Context Menu.
The Track Changes Dashboard also includes baselines for datasets which have been removed from the project over time, e.g. because corresponding devices have been disconnected and replaced. These datasets and their corresponding baselines are displayed when the "Display historical entries" switch in the top menu bar is enabled.