Danske Gærfabrikker A/S has its origins in De Danske Spritfabrikker, which was a company founded in 1881. Before Denmark joined the European Community in 1973, the company had a monopoly on the production of yeast and spirits in Denmark. 1973 was also the year where the current factory in Grenå was built.
Today, the company is owned by the Canadian food company, Lallermand, which has its HQ in Montreal. Lallermand owns 25 factories around the world.
Danske Gærfabrikker produces half of Lallemand's wine yeast, and 80 percent of the factory's production is exported.
In addition to the factory in Grenå, there is also a so-called mixing factory in Fredericia. Here they combine various yeast mixtures to the customers' specifications.
Sources: Danske Gærfabrikker and Børsen