Control system expansion increases productivity, performance and quality at top beverage producer in Chile

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Food and beverage industry customer expands operation of ABB Ability™ System 800xA solution to supervise and control new beer filtration

One of Chile's largest breweries, an important player in the food and beverage industry, has realized productivity increases of 10 percent and quality rises up to five percent by expanding the operation of the ABB Ability™ 800xA solution, an integrated control system for management of entire industrial processes. 

The large-scale expansion started in 2019, and from the beginning of 2020 the operation of the brewery increased capacity to handle 15,000 additional signals, three extra operating stations, and expansion of the existing history application to manage greater signal load. Other additions included a new AC 800M controller, a Profinet communication interface, and extension of the application to existing batch. 

Eurit Amaya, Partner Sales Manager for Automation and Control Systems at ABB Chile.
“The expansion of the ABB Ability™ System 800xA distributed control system (DCS) will allow users to supervise and control the brewery’s industrial process, especially by using unique and integrated measurement tools now in place,”
System 800xA in Brewery
“The expansion of the ABB Ability™ System 800xA distributed control system (DCS) will allow users to supervise and control the brewery’s industrial process, especially by using unique and integrated measurement tools now in place,” said Eurit Amaya, Partner Sales Manager for Automation and Control Systems at ABB Chile. 

“The expansion of the existing system to manage the operation of the new beer filter represents a vote of confidence in ABB's work and in the operation of the ABB Ability™ System 800xA solution.”  

The new scope ensures a more robust support than that from 2017, when the customer first commissioned a solution. Previously, the system had 13,000 signals, nine operating stations, an engineering station, seven AC 800M controllers, and an application history for 500 signals, multiple communication protocols, and one batch application. 

With the substantial add-ons, the customer overcame its production challenges through automation and optimization of processes by adding control of the new filtration system in the current DCS of the plant. It merges the supervision and management of manufacturing flows, finding the highest standard in beer filtration monitoring equipment, in addition to delivering a solution capable of providing the necessary information about what happens in the plant, including the performance of the new filter, to review where possible wastage happens. 

ABB worked closely with the customer and Eurit had the chance to be with people engaged in the building process of the Chilean plant as they were getting ready to structure the control systems. 

ABB Ability™ System 800xA is the most powerful Distributed Control System (DCS) automation platform in the market and is ranked by ARC advisory group as the world’s #1 over the last 20 years. It will serve as a common operations platform to support all digital technology upgrades as the plant evolves.  
Eurit Amaya, Partner Sales Manager for Automation and Control Systems at ABB Chile.
“The expansion of the existing system to manage the operation of the new beer filter represents a vote of confidence in ABB's work and in the operation of the ABB Ability™ System 800xA solution.”

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