Know-how also migrated into new control system

An upgrade for highest paper quality

Papierfabrik Adolf Jass modernized its paper mill in Schwarza, Germany, with ABB’s 800xA control system version 5.1.

At their German production sites in Fulda and Schwarza Adolf Jass produces corrugated medium and Testliner for high-quality packaging materials from 100 % recycled paper and is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers in this business sector.

In production, the medium-sized enterprise links proven know-how with innovative technology thus making optimum use of the wealth of experience grown over the years of successful paper production. ABB plays a major role in providing suitable solutions.

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The life cycle in focus

Back in 2004, the company already equipped its new PM1 paper production machine at the production site in Rudolstadt-Schwarza, Thuringia, with the ABB automation platform System 800xA. Thereby the family-owned enterprise became one of the first companies embarking on the path towards a networked factory.

With the upgrade to System 800xA version 5.1 in September 2015, which replaced the server hardware with a virtual environment, the paper mill took the next step in modernization. And this upgrade was really impressive – with 17 operator stations, the control system in Schwarza is now among the largest in Germany.

Moreover, ten years of operational experience with expansions were incorporated into the system and finally should be transferred to System 800xA version 5.1. This consistent upgrade strategy and the close cooperation between ABB experts and those responsible at the paper manufacturer contributed largely to mastering this challenge.  

Automation Sentinel, ABB’s life cycle management and support program, provided valuable system support thus enabling the seamless migration of all control system licenses.

Direct access to field devices

Since September 2015, the factory has been working with the new version of the automation platform, which now incorporates quality and energy management. Via an intuitive and easy-to-operate user interface, the 17 operating stations provide plant operators with access to proven and new functionalities.

Furthermore, the joint ABB History database, which can be accessed by the production system and energy management, offers the ideal platform for the continuous optimization of all processes in the paper mill. Thanks to the supplementary ABB package HART Device Integration, the service staff can now also access the state-of-the-art field devices directly from the control system.

Furthermore, a long-term service contract will provide Papierfabrik Adolf Jass with engineering expertise and equipment from ABB in future. 

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