Device Management FOUNDATION Fieldbus

ABB offers a complete FF solution, containing tools and network devices.

FF is an open, integrated architecture for distribution of control applications across the network and devices providing an open standard for process automation applications.Two fieldbus networks are supported:
  • H1 link with 31.25 kbit/s for connection of 2-wire field devices such as transmitters, actuators and I/O incl. intrinsically safe applications
  • HSE, the High Speed Ethernet bus with 100 Mbit/s, H1 subsystems via linking devices
Freelance supports the entire FF architecture including High Speed Ethernet (HSE):
  • AC 800F controller at FF HSE, optionally redundant
  • Infrastructure and network devices for higher availability


Technical Data
Plug and Produce
A full range of field devices is certified for Freelance and enables seamless implementation. On a continuous basis these device libraries are extended with devices from ABB and third party manufacturers. The Device Integration Center is a service to manage and enhance these libraries.
FOUNDATION Fieldbus engineering
In Freelance Engineering, the devices are configured in the feedforward part by linking the Device Description (DD) files. This makes it possible to configure the FF without the field devices being physically connected to the controllers.
The devices are configured on the H1 links of the LD 800HSE Linking Devices. As Freelance Engineering supports control in the field for FF devices, it is possible to configure function charts that interconnect the function blocks in the individual FF devices. Freelance Engineering then automatically generates a process that is passed on to the Link Active Scheduler (LAS).
Redundant Link Active Schedulers are also supported. However, it is also possible to use the FF devices “only” as I/O suppliers, and use the function blocks in the controllers.

FOUNDATION Fieldbus commissioning
Live lists displaying which devices exist are available for HSE and H1. During commissioning, Freelance allows you to compare configured parameters for the device modules with the parameters that exist in the device. This makes it possible to detect device parameters that have been changed locally and transfer them to the configuration by means of uploading.
The Link Active Scheduler (LAS) can be stopped in order to interrupt processing of the control loops in a control loops in an H1 link.


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