Freelance DCS boosts production of nitrocellulose at Nobel NC, Thailand

The flexibility of Freelance has helped to meet the high demands that the customer was facing when producing a specialty chemical.


Freelance gives potential savings in engineering, commissioning, testing, service and maintenance.

Increased production and revenue

Situated just 160 km outside Bangkok the Nobel NC plant piles up in the green rice fields and is surrounded by the Chaopraya River that also provides the facility with an abundant source of processing water.

The first production line was commissioned in September 2008 and a second line was taken into operation in 2009. The Nobel NC plant is a key resource in VS Group’s portfolio and brings up VS Group’s production volume with 30,000 tons annually making VS Group one of the biggest nitrocellulose producers in the world.

Main facts

Industry Specialty chemicals
Customer Nobel NC Company Ltd.
Country Thailand
Solutions Freelance DCS
System integrator
Nobel NC Company Ltd.

Existing wiring in the control cabinet could remain unchanged

Mr. Ieum, CEO of Nobel NC, meets us at its training facility, he is the brain and energy behind the group and you get swept away with his enthusiasm. Ieum takes us on a tour through the facilities and the day we are visiting Nobel NC are conducting an operator training, so the facilities are buzzing with new operators that are keen to start working. ​Engineering and operator training is done in-house, ​the 5 men strong engineering team has engineered the whole Nobel NC factory.

Mr. Ieum tells us:

“This would not have been possible with any other Distributed Control System. We have received ineffable support from ABB and that made it possible for us to commission the plant in record time”.

Mr. Ieum, CEO of Nobel NC
“We have been using Freelance since version 1, when building a new plant we didn’t even think of using any other.”

Freelance was the perfect match: flexible, small footprint and with a high reliability

Increased production and revenue, how is this possible? Mr. Ieum brings us to his world of automation:

When producing nitrocellulose it’s important to have continuous processes that can be run without any interruptions on a stable platform. So they decided to use Freelance. ABB’s Freelance ​DCS was the perfect match: flexible, small footprint and with a high reliability.

The flexibility of Freelance has helped ​Nobel NC to meet the high demands that they are facing when producing a specialty chemical. 

Freelance gives potential savings in engineering, commissioning, testing, service and maintenance.

Since VS Group started to use Freelance they have enlarged their production without the usual increase of man power.

Mr. Ieum, CEO of Nobel NC
“We have increased our production efficiency and reduced our production losses due to the fact that we use Freelance, and this is affecting our bottom line in a very positive way.”
Mr. Ieum, CEO of Nobel NC
“Having a flexible control system that can help us expand in our own pace is a key when you’re in the specialty chemical business.”

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