Freelance DCS for pneumatic conveyor system at Sasol

Thanks to the compact footprint of the AC 700F controller, the old PLC control could be exchanged without having to modify the control cabinets.


Easy-to-learn and intuitive configuration was the crucial factor why Sasol choose the Freelance DCS.

The project could be put in operation in a very short timeframe

At Sasol in Brünsbüttel the AC 700F controller has been installed to control a pneumatic conveyor system for aluminum oxide powder. This system was controlled using a PLC in the past. Sasol is a convinced, long-standing user of the compact ​Freelance DCS and thus decided to use the AC 700F controller when replacing the PLCs.

Customer requirements were the transfer of the existing application into the new controller, the subsequent optimization of process control through the use of diagnostic features and short setup and installation times.

In addition, the system was to be configured by one of the customer’s application engineers, who had never worked with the Freelance ​DCS before. After a short training period and with ABB’s support during the start-up phase, it was possible to successfully put the project in operation in the shortest timeframe.

Existing wiring in the control cabinet could remain unchanged

Main facts

Industry Chemicals
Customer Sasol Germany GmbH
Country Germany

Freelance DCS with:

System integrator
Sasol Germany GmbH

The easy-to-learn and intuitive configuration of Freelance was the crucial factor for Sasol when they chose the control system.

Thanks to the compact footprint of the AC 700F controller, the old PLC control could be exchanged without having to modify the control cabinets - even the existing wiring in the control cabinet remained unchanged. This allowed considerable advantages to be gained in respect of operation and fault diagnostics but with minimal outlay.

The main advantages of the compact Freelance ​DCS compared to a PLC solution are the simple configuration, operating the plant from the control room and the possibility of remote access for maintenance work.

A touch screen operator station replaces the switches and lights at the control cabinet formerly used as operation elements. This makes it easier for plant operators to control the equipment locally and also allows all of the other systems connected to the process control system to be used.

At Sasol, other outdated control cabinets are to be modernized with the new AC 700F controller in the near future.

A touch screen operator station makes it easier for plant operators to control the equipment locally.

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