Freelance control system upgrades for Beijing district heating group in China

Future-proof public facilities maintenance and residential heating thanks to ABB DCS life cycle management program


Upgrade of Freelance DCS helps Beijing's ShuangYuShu Heating Power Plant prepare for and meet challenges in the future

The largest civil gas heating boiler plant in China

Beijing District Heating Group is a corporation involved in public facilities maintenance and residential heating, including domestic hot water and industrial heat. Beijing ShuangYuShu Heating Power Plant is one of its 12 heating units in Beijing. The power plant has a heating capacity of 696MW, covering a total area of 12 million square meters, powered by six 116MW gas-fired hot water boilers. ShuangYuShu Heating Power Plant is currently the largest civil gas heating boiler plant in China, utilizing the latest locally sourced equipment.

Freelance control system supporting plant expansion

Since 1998, ShuangYuShu Heating Power Plant had been using ABB’s Freelance distributed control system. In 2002, it embarked on an expansion of the plant whereby it upgraded for the first time the Freelance software — from early V3.2 version to version V6.1. ​Some years later, ShuangYuShu again conducted an upgrade of the operating system software and the Freelance software via the Automation Sentinel subscription. During this upgrade also the old PC hardware was upgraded.

Upgrade project implemented by ABB system integrator

In its most recent upgrade, ABB’s technical experts worked together with senior engineers from Beijing USE Science & Technology Co., Ltd. - a systems integrator and ABB channel partner.

The upgrade project provided:

  • Updated operating system
  • Support for high resolution, and an increase in the effective area of graphic display
  • Support for operating five (5) faceplates at the same time
  • Ability for operators to switch the position of trend chart, and adding the new shortcut toolbar button
  • Support for new faceplate that allows operators to set value and perform fine tuning directly
  • File list and file content displayed in two windows to make operation more convenient

Main facts

Industry Energy and utilities
Customer ShuangYuShu
Country China

Freelance DCS
Automation Sentinel subscription with:

  • Free software upgrade service for three years
  • Technical support hotline service
  • Access to ABB SolutionBank and ABB expert technical
  • Timely download of the latest product and technical
  • Other related services
 System integrator
Beijing USE Science & Technology Co., Ltd.

Benefits of upgrading the DCS with Automation Sentinel

  • Delivers control system software services to match operational needs
  • Supports lifecycle management of control system software assets
  • Lowers system software lifecycle costs and risks through system evolution programs
  • Extends lifecycle support periods for Freelance software version
  • Provides comprehensive software support
  • ABB also gives support to upgrade the operating system, e.g. Windows XP
ShuangYuShu Heating Power Plant
“We made the upgrade work within a very short time, and system operation was very stable.”
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