Minera Escondida in Chile optimizes grinding assets with ABB remote diagnostics


To have the right service capabilities at the right time and at the right place has always been a big challenge for the mining and mineral processing industry. ABB is overcoming these challenges through state-of-the-art remote diagnostic services for grinding applications - to support you around the clock and around the globe.

Keeping systems running

Minera Escondida, owned by BHP Billiton, is the biggest copper mine in the world. It is located 1500 kilometers north of Santiago in the middle of the Chilean desert. The remote location of the site has always been a challenge, whenever a serious problem came up. For Escondida ABB’s remote services are the optimal solution to get the best support, when it is needed the most.

Escondida’s services contract covers the five GMD systems operating in the mine. It includes periodic maintenance reports, remote online troubleshooting and ABB SupportLine.

To avoid sudden failures the GMD systems are monitored all the time. The collected data are analyzed and summarized in the periodic maintenance report. The report provides a snapshot of the system status as well as management feedback on the performance. However, should a failure occur, ABB experts provide 24/7 online and telephone support.

Thanks to this service contract Escondida is a preferred customer:

Whenever they need support, appropriate service staff is available. They are supported by local and global ABB specialists, who make recommendations and advise the customer on maintenance and operation.

Maximize availability and reliability

ABB’s remote services help customers to prevent or reduce failure times while maximizing availability and reliability of the assets.

Scope of supply in Escondida

  • Access to ABB’s SupportLine 24/7
  • Remote support for troubleshooting 24/7
  • Periodic maintenance reports

Main facts

Industry Mining and minerals processing

Minera Escondida copper mine 

Country Chile
  • The GMD systems operating in the mine are monitored all the time with ABB's sophisticated remote diagnostic services.
  • ABB’s remote services help customer prevent and reduce failure times while maximizing availability and reliability of the assets.

  • Long-term and integral support for critical assets
  • Fast response guaranteed
  • 24/7 support available
  • Travel time reductions of specialists for remote support
  • Predictable maintenance costs
  • Access to global ABB network expertise

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