System 800xA for largest gas group in Thailand

An effective power management, controlling the usage of precious natural resources


Managing energy supply and consumption goes beyong mere energy production. It requires an effective power management solution, provided by ABB's System 800xA.

Technology focus for plant energy supply and consumption

To this end, Thailand embarked on harnessing natural gas to produce energy for its growing industries and reduce the country’s dependence on imported crude oil. Since 1981, when it first produced natural gas, the country has built five natural gas separation plants to extract from natural gas other gaseous elements to be used as feedstock in the petrochemical industry. 

PTT is a natural gas company in Thailand that conducts upstream petroleum exploration and production activities, procurement, natural gas transmission and separation. The company has built the new Gas Separation Plant Unit 6 and Ethane Separation Plant (GSP6/ESP) at its Rayong facility. It was commissioned in Q3 2010. 

PTT looked beyond mere energy creation and into the technology that will manage the plant's energy supply and consumption. They contracted ABB to provide a System 800xA-based Power Management System (PMS) for this new plant.

One common platform for the plant

Main facts

Industry Oil, gas and petrochemicals
Customer PTT Gas Business Group
Country Thailand
PTT Gas is efficiently harnessing hydrocarbons with the use System 800xA-based Power Management System.
PTT needed a common platform for process control, safety, power generation, utility control and power management for the plant. PTT's requirement was a solution that will enhance its existing services while enabling it to integrate new technology that will improve efficiencies and productivity. The challenge posed was the provision and integration of the solution fast enough and profitably. 

ABB’s System 800xA-based PMS is designed specifically for the most energy-intensive sectors, including natural gas processing. It provides a common automation architecture for integrated system solutions that include safety, instrumentation, electrical and analytic systems. 
The solution enhance existing services while enabling integration of new technologies for improve efficiency and productivity.

Effective power control management

The PMS solution controls and supervises PTT's power generation and supply to ensure a stable and optimized electrical network. The PMS solution allows for contingencybased fast load shedding, power control and SCADA functionality for the plant's electrical system, among others.

Its fast load shedding functionality (40 to 150 microseconds, depending on the configuration), based on fast network determination and energy balance calculations, ensures availability and continuous supply of power to mission- and safety-critical operations during blackouts or loss of power supply. Conversely, when demand exceeds power supply or import thresholds, load shedding actions can be invoked on a pre-set priority basis.

The Power Control function allows the sharing of active and reactive power between the different generators, reactors and tie-lines, ensuring that they operate within their specification limits.

Fast load shedding based on fast network determination and energy balance calculations, ensures availability and continuous supply of power.

Energy savings with unique control solution

In an energy-hungry industry such as gas processing, energy management is vital. The volatility of energy costs, growing environmental consciousness and more stringent legislation are some of the push factors for improved energy generation, usage and management. 

With PMS, PTT is now able to locate savings potentials, obtain information on the status of the plant and the degree of utilization, draw conclusions on the power behavior trends of different operating units and ultimately adjust the parameters in which these run. 

PTT selected ABB's solution not only for its features, but also for its long reference list. "ABB's solution is very unique. Furthermore, it has a lot of references. Of particular importance is Thai Oil PLC, a subsidiary of PTT," said Mr. Rattikool Piyavongwanich, PTT's project manager.
Mr. Rattikool Piyavongwanich, PTT's project manager
"ABB's solution is very unique and has a lot of references. Of particular importance is Thai Oil PLC, a subsidiary of PTT."

With System 800xA as the backbone, ABB offers a full suite of automation and IT solutions for the hydrocarbon industry, enabling oil and gas customers to operate their assets in an efficient and secure way.

PTT:s Power Mangement System functions:

- Load Sharing and Load shedding
- Power Restoration
- Mode Control
- Synchronization
- Intelligent Motor Control System (IMCS)
- Event and Alarm handling
- Communication (OPC) with MicroSCADA system
- MODBUS communication with generator and turbine

ABB’s solution

The solution is based on 14 redundant AC 800M controllers and has 3,000 S800 I/O channels. The System 800xA is connected to MicroSCADA via OPC and to the generator and turbine via MODBUS.

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