Upgrading Petrobras’ Refap refinery

Modernizing automation software and electrical hardware

ABB has a contract to upgrade the automation system of Petrobras’ Refinaria Alberto Pasqualini (Refap) in the south of Brazil. The plant, which focuses on diesel production, has an output of more than 200,000 barrels a day.

The contract involves the replacement of electrical equipment and the installation of the latest control software to further optimize the refinery’s operations. The aim is to improve the efficiency and robustness of the system and ensure its safe operation.

As well as cutting costs, the renovation process is intended to reduce the plant’s carbon footprint by minimizing the power needed to run it. 

The new software also gives Petrobras’ on-site engineers a greater choice of process management features, together with a more comprehensive real time analysis of what is occurring in the refinery.

Main data



 Site:  Alberto Pasqualini Refinery (Refap)
Customer need: 

Process optimization and reconfiguration


Upgrading of automation systems and replacement of electrical equipment

Application:  Refinery process
Customer benefits:

Lower unit-cost production
Reduction of unplanned stoppages
Lower environmental impact

Commissioning year: 2015

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