Single Loop Control Methods

The Single Loop Control Methods are an intuitive, non-mathematical explanation for control terms and tuning that simplifies academic process control theory and links it practically to industrial process control applications

For more information or if you have any questions, please email The ABB Connected Engineer.
Video Series

Single Loop Control Methods by Kevin D. Starr

Single Loop Control Methods, written by Kevin Starr, Customer Value Manager for ABB Process Automation Service is in its second edition.

The book has been a popular text globally with control engineers working in industrial process environments, as well as with universities and process automation providers.

The objective of Single Loop Control Methods is to present a practical, non-theoretical explanation of process control. Through 30 years of classroom presentations, hundreds of field applications, and development of several remote-enabled process control enabling technologies, Kevin Starr delivers an approach where the complicated subject of process control more easily makes sense to process engineers of all experience levels.

Kevin Starr began his career installing, tuning, and training on industrial automation systems. His experience working closely with customers led to the development and implementation of globally accepted service offerings, patents, and tools. His ABB career has enabled him to work in a wide variety of process industries, including chemical, metals, mining, plastics, oil & gas, pulp & paper, rubber, and water treatment. Kevin has taught process control techniques and implemented optimization services for ABB employees and customers all over the world.

Copies of this book can be ordered through ABB Business Online, product ID#35-30000. This ordering method requires an account, which is easier if you are an ABB customer or employee. If that is not the case, please fill out this form for consideration.

A video series accompanying the Single Loop Control Methods book is publicly available for viewing on the ABB Service YouTube channel. The video series contains 14 videos with more than 5 hours of content. This popular series contains valuable information and has been compiled and presented by Kevin Starr after working more than 30 years in the field with customers.

Single Loop Control Methods Virtual Training Course

Course goal
The goal of this course is to provide students with the ability to apply single loop control methods to tuning loops in any process automation environment. Lectures are presented by Kevin Starr, author of Single Loop Control Methods (students receive a copy of the book). Students can take this course virtually while at home or in a quiet area of the workplace.

Students should have an operational knowledge of the production processes and control systems at their place of employment. The only mathematics needed is a basic understanding of multiplication and division.

Duration is determined individually by the amount of time each student spends in the self-directed portions of the course, and the lengths of the Interactive Reviews (also variable).

Click here for the complete course description. Register online through ABB University.

If you have questions, please email The ABB Connected Engineer.

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