For a better protection of your ABB control system against malware infection and cyber-attacks ABB recommends to regularly update the virus scanner software and install the latest Microsoft Windows™ security patches. Current security updates on site are a key factor to reach the next level of cyber security.
- Microsoft® security updates and Microsoft® Service packs are reviewed, tested and validated by ABB for relevance and system compatibility with ABB control system Software
- McAfee® and Symantec™ updates, scan engines and virus definition files are verified by ABB for relevance and system compatibility with ABB control system software
The validated patches and anti-virus files can be distributed daily to our customer sites in a secure, automated and controlled way with the Security Update Service using a secure source server (upstream server) located at ABB.
The qualified ABB upstream server updates a security downstream server on customer site:
- Windows® Security Update Server for Microsoft® patches
- ePolicy Orchestrator® (McAfee ePO™) for McAfee antivirus files
- Endpoint Protection server for Symantec antivirus files
This service is exclusively offered for selected ABB control systems covered with a valid Automation Sentinel agreement.
- Frequent automatic synchronization of servers on customers site with the qualified ABB server for local deployment via a secure connection instead of internet connection to 3rd party servers
- Scheduled process can be fully automated without manual interaction
- Receive qualified and approved security updates daily after validation by ABB
- Highly secure and automated process of receiving qualified and approved security patches and security updates to your site
- User efforts in evaluation, installing and testing of security patches and updates minimized
- Increased productivity with an automated process instead of time-consuming manual work
- Virus scanner software and operating system software always updated according to ABB’s recommendation
- Enhanced security against cyber-attacks and cyber threats and increased protection of intellectual property