Operator Effectiveness with ABB Ability™ System 800xA®

Supervise and control your processes in the most efficient, safe and profitable way. ABB empowers plant operators to do their job better and make more accurate, timely decisions. ABB Ability™ System 800xA® provides integrated operations, a high performance HMI and an ergonomic operator environment that will improve the operator effectiveness in your plant.

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Operator Effectiveness

The operators’ ability to supervise and control processes in the most efficient, safe and profitable way.

Operator decisions have a great impact on safety, productivity and quality. Besides the technology, enhancing the human behind the machine is essential for ABB Ability System 800xA. ABB creates a control environment with all functions at the operator's fingertips.

How does it work?

Integrated operations guarantee for highest productivity.

PLCs, DCS, safety systems, electrical systems, live video, maintenance systems, ERPs and more all work together in ABB Ability System 800xA. The result is improved plant visibility, fast access to relevant information in real time, and reduced floor-space through one consolidated operator environment.

What's next?

Together we design the control rooms of the future.

ABB gets people and systems collaborating more efficiently by designing control centers, control rooms and workplaces with a focus on interaction. An integrative and safe environment with intuitive handling of actions results in better productivity and attracts new-generation operators.

Related offerings

Extended Operator Workplace


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