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Solution area




Thumbnail Title Solution area Industry Language Platforms
 techtalk-thumb Il ruolo dell’ottimizzazione nell’efficienza energetica dei processi  Digital   Cross Industries  Italian Cross Platforms
 cyber security techtalk The European NIS2 Directive  Digital  Cross Industries  English Cross Platforms
 dashboardontablet_retouched Digitally Empowered Operations  Digital  Cross Industries  English Cross Platforms
 building-blocks The Building Blocks of OT Cyber Security  Digital  Cross Industries  English Cross Platforms
 Il ruolo dell'Asset Performance Management nella sfida digitale Il ruolo dell'Asset Performance Management nella sfida digitale  Digital  Cross Industries  Italian Cross Platforms
 Energy Management series Energy Management Part 2: Turning disruption into opportunity  Other - Energy Management
 Cross Industries  English  Not Applicable 
 Energy Management series Energy Management Part 1: Energy Efficiency  Other - Energy Management  Cross Industries  English  Not Applicable
 Protect your Distributed Control System (DCS) with ABB Cyber Security solutions Protect your Distributed Control System (DCS) with ABB Cyber Security solutions  Digital  Cross Industries  Turkish Cross Platforms 
 p14 engineering TechTalk P14 Engineering Automation Control  Power Generation
Oil and Gas
Waste to Energy  
 German 800xA
Symphony Plus
Procontrol P14
 P14 Diagnose on demand TechTalk P14 Diagnose Control
Cross Industries  German Procontrol P14 
 grid-codes ABB TechTalk - The role of grid codes in today power system - Basis, requirements, and their applications  Automation
Cross Solutions
Excitation and synchronization
Power Generation
Oil and Gas
Cross Industries
 English Not Applicable
 big-generator Protect plants and grids by keeping your assets synchronized, safe, and productive  Automation
Excitation and synchronization
Power Generation
Oil and Gas
Cross Industries
 English Cross Platforms
 Let's Talk MEGATROL_retouched Let’s Talk MEGATROL®   Automation Cross Industries  German  Not Applicable
 cyber-security Cyber Security for your Operational Technology. Why to act now.  Digital  Cross Industries  English  Cross Platforms
 Debottleneck retouched Debottlenecking blending processes   Blending and formulation  Refineries  English  Not Applicable

The rise of ransomware - maintaining protection from an evolving cyber threat 

 Digital  Cross Industries  English  Cross Platforms
 thumbnail new generation of tools for the digital pipeline A new generation of tools for the digital pipeline  Digital  Oil and Gas  English Cross Platforms 
 Energy-webinar Webinar walking us through excitation solutions for Energy and other industries.  Automation  Cross Industries  English All
 Upgrade of Procontrol P14 modules On Demand  Upgrade of Procontrol P14 modules  Control  Power Generation  English Not Applicable 
 L impatto delle soluzioni di manutenzione predittiva sulla gestione degli asset ondemand  L'impatto delle soluzioni di manutenzione predittiva sulla gestione degli asset  Digital  Cross Industries  Italian Cross Platforms 
 Asset Life Extension Insights and Digitalisation  Asset Life Extension – Insights and Digitalisation  Digital
Cross Industries  English Not Applicable 
 Asset Health Reliability engineering and data science  Asset Health: Reliability Engineering & Data Science  Digital  Cross Industries  English Not Applicable 
 Asset Insight Future of operations and maintenance strategies  AssetInsight: Future of operations and maintenance strategies Digital Cross Industries English Not Applicable
 Upgrade of HSI Systems Upgrade of HSI Systems  Control  Power Generation  German Not Applicable 
 EN TechTalk Grid stability The role of automatic voltage regulators for generators in the power grid Grid stability Essential: the role of automatic voltage regulators for generators in the power grid
Excitation and synchronization
Power Generation
Oil and Gas
Cross Industries
 English Cross Platforms
 EN TechTalk Intelligent Energy Management for Industries - Reduce CO2 and Cut Energy Costs ABB Ability™ Intelligent Energy Management for Industries - reduce CO2 and cut energy costs Digital Cross Industries German Cross Platforms
 EN TechTalk Identify OT security incidents and respond appropriately Identify OT security incidents and respond appropriately  Service Cross Industries German Cross Platforms
 EN TechTalk Novice-to-expert webinar on self-service with myABB tools Novice-to-expert webinar on self-service with myABB tools  Service Cross Industries  English Cross Platforms
 TechTalkPic Data in view and the production process under control. With ABB Ability Insight products Digital Cross Industries German Cross Platforms 

ABB Excitation Systems - Maximizing the availability and reliability of your synchronous machines

Digital  Power Generation Thai Not Applicable
 Group image UNITROL 6000_1000_SYN_6 Digital Excitation & LCI solutions for power generation and grid stability  Digital Power Generation English  Not Applicable

WiMon - Vibration Condition Online Monitoring

Digital  Cross Industries Thai Cross Platforms 
Remote Service Support Keeping Your Plants Running With Remote Service Support Digital Cross Industries English Cross Platforms
Addressing cyber risk with increased home connectivity  Digital Cross Industries English Cross Platforms
 EN TechTalk Operational Effectiveness in Today’s Changing Environment Operational Effectiveness in Today’s Changing Environment Automation  Cross Industries English Cross Platforms
 remotesystem Remote System Capabilities Cross Solutions Cross Industries Portuguese  Cross Platforms
 demolition The benefits of designing for demolition during late life Cross Solutions  Cross Industries English  Not Applicable 
 Business Continuity Business continuity through Visual Remote Support, Consulting, Engineering and Inspection Cross Solutions Cross Industries  English Cross Platforms
 Deferral of 2020 turnaround Deferral of 2020 turnaround (TAR) due to COVID-19 and compliance with PSSR      English  
 agregando Agregando disponibilidade à sua unidade geradora Cross Solutions  Cross Industries Portuguese
Symphony Plus
 improvingplant Improving plant performance with digital technology Cross Solutions Cross Industries Portuguese Platform Agnostic
 Cybersecurity Remote is the new normal - addressing cyber security to enable remote operation Service Cross Industries English  800xA
 cybersecurity Cyber Security Cross Solutions Cross Industries Portuguese 800xA 
 webimage Plotting the path to predictive maintenance: Take your operation to the next level with effective condition monitoring Digital Power Generation English Cross Platforms
 tablet-comp-bw-compressed Service 2020: Safe. Secure. Remote.  Automation Cross Industries English Platform Agnostic 
 Tracando_techtalk Traçando o caminho para a manutenção preditiva Cross Solutions Cross Industries Portuguese Cross Platforms 
 MOMemportugues MOM - Manufacturing Operation Management Cross Solutions Cross Industries Portuguese 800xA
 cybersecurity Cyber Security Portfolio and Services Digital Cross Industries Italian Cross Platforms
 controlloops Closing the gap between loop performance and process performance Automation Oil and Gas English Cross Platforms 
 utility-landscape_390x195 ABB Ability™ Energy Management OPTIMAX®. Turning Disruption Into Opportunities Automation Cross Industries English  
 leveraging Leveraging the electrical twin for reliable power delivery  Electrification Cross Industries English 800xA
 digitalization DIGITALIZING THE FIELD OPERATOR – A Step Change in Safety & Efficiency     English  
 experienciainigualavel Edge e cloud technology em automação industrial Cross Solutions Cross Industries Portuguese Platform Agnostic
 HighPerformanceGraphics Getting the most of your automation system with High Performance Graphics Automation  Cross Industries English Cross Platforms
 MOMlowres ABB Ability™ Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM)
Control Chemicals English Not Applicable 
800xA Open Automation - The Digital Transformation of Industrial Automation Systems Automation Cross Industries English  800xA
 Service_Engineers_200x128 Electrical services and maintenance  Others Cross Industries Thai  Not Applicable 
 ABB_Care_Agreement Redefining Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) Automation Cross Industries English Cross Platforms
 Cybersecurity Cyber security to protect your control system through digital transformation Digital  Cross Industries English Cross Platforms
 Simulators Virtual simulators, the perfect training and testing tool for plant owners and operators Automation Cross Industries English Cross Platforms
 flamescannerpic ABB Flame Scanner: Benefits and Features Automation Power Generation Thai Platform Agnostic 
 nuovi ABB Ability™ - Digital Days: Nuovi paradigmi per la gestione degli impianti - 1 Cross Solutions  Cross Industries Italian Cross Platforms
 nuovi 2 ABB Ability™ - Digital Days: Nuovi paradigmi per la gestione degli impianti - 2
Cross Solutions  Cross Industries Italian Cross Platforms
 TAF remoto TAF Remoto – Redefinindo os testes de aceitação de fábrica
Cross Solutions Cross Industries Portuguese Platform Agnostic
 abilitygenix ABB Ability™ Genix Industrial Analytics and AI Suite Cross Solutions
Cross Industries
Portuguese Platform Agnostic
 Data Analytics Optimizing plant performance with data analytics
Automation Cross Industries English Cross Platforms
 Digdays_soluzioni ABB Ability™ - Digital Days: Soluzioni digitali per manutentori prima sessione
Cross Solutions Cross Industries Italian Cross Platforms
 Digdays_soluzioni ABB Ability™ - Digital Days: Soluzioni digitali per i manutentori seconda sessione
Cross Solutions Cross Industries Italian Cross Platforms
 Abilityedgeniuswebinar ABB Ability™ Edgenius Operations Data Manager Cross Solutions  Cross Industries Portuguese Platform Agnostic
 fishfarming Bærekraftig fiskeoppdrett (Sustainable Fish Farming)
Cross Solutions Food and Beverage Norwegian Not Applicable
 Cellier Blending and formulation_picture Cellier, Blending and Formulation solutions Blending and formulation  Chemicals English Not Applicable
 DCS techtalkTHAI ระบบควบคุมอัตโนมัติสำหรับกระบวนการผลิต (ABB Distributed Control System (DCS)) Automation Cross Industries Thai 800xA 
 FINAL_ABB Webinar AES-EXS_Cover Advanced Electrification services and excitation webinar  Electrification Cross Industries English
Not Applicable 
 Offshore wind closeup AdobeStock_376229993 Offshore Power – Enabling the power from wind Cross Solutions Cross Industries English
Not Applicable 
 EOW-APP-Store-Alexander Eliminating islands of automation with a simplified integration approach Automation Cross Industries English
 optimax_steam_picture Steam & Power Optimization  Cross Solutions Cross Industries English
Not Applicable 
 TechtalksSmartCities ABB Ability™ OPTIMAX® for smart cities
Automation Cross Industries English
Not Applicable 
 Cyber Security ระบบความปลอดภัยทางไซเบอร์ของ ABB และ ABB CARE (ABB Cyber Security Portfolio and ABB CARE)
Cross Solutions Cross Industries Thai Cross Platforms
 safety-plc-standard-hmi (2) Soluciones ABB para aplicaciones de seguridad en procesos. Una capa de protección para su negocio  Automation  Cross Industries Spanish 800xA 
 SafetyInsight Optimize Process Safety Management through Digitalization
Digital Cross Industries English Platform Agnostic

Featured Speakers

Antonio Carvalho

Digital Lead,
ABB Energy Industries

Bruno Theimer

Sales Manager Digital, Power & Water, Germany

Carlos Damasceno

Sales Engineer
Excitation & Synchronization Systems

Danial Dias

Technical Account Manager

Dr. Sleman Saliba

Global Product Manager
ABB Ability, Energy Management Optimax

Dr. Zied M. Ouertani

Vice President Chemicals and Refining
Global Head of Technology

Jonas Nibe

Technical Advisor for ABB Ability™

Jonathan Schott

Global Product Manager DCS Platform

Elise Thorud

Global Product Manager Simulation & Digital Twin

Federico Mastropietro

Global Solutions Sales Leader Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM)

Fiona Campbell

Senior Consultant Control Room Design and Human Factors

Joerg Schubert

Global Technology Manager, ABB Energy Industries

Juan Tapia

Global Product Manager for Terminal Solutions

Loredana Di Alessio

Digital and Telecom Business Developer

Mary Parrish

Sr. Technologist HMI

Matilda Steiner Arvidsson

Global Product Manager Digital

Michael Reuther

Service Regional Business Development Manager

Ronan O'Sullivan

VP - Digital, HBL

Stein Trostheim

Global Product Manager

Steve Royston

Global Technology Manager,
Oil & Gas, Energy Industries

Svenja Lamb-Lüpges

Global Portfolio Manager,
Service Agreements and Subscription Services

Tom Maczuzak

Business Development Manager

Will Leonard

Digital and Innovation Manager
UK Energy Industries

Riccardo Martini

Advanced Process Control (APC)
Product Manager

Francesco Ghiotto

Advanced Process Control (APC)
Principal Engineer

Karl Watson

Global Sales Leader SafetyInsight,
ABB Energy Industries

Ramy Hamed

Technical Sales Specialist
Excitation Systems, North America

Tanarit Jansirisak

Senior Sales Engineer

Bahman Kazmi

Global Head of Sales Excitation, Energy Industries, ABB Switzerland


Regional Sales Manager Excitations, Energy Industries, ABB UAE

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