
EtherNet/IP is an industrial Ethernet network and a variant of the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) family of communication protocols intended for supervision and control of automation equipment. It is a well-established Industrial Ethernet communication system with good real-time capabilities.

Our offering includes different EtherNet/IP fieldbus adapters depending on the drive type:

  • FENA-01 is compatible with ACS355 drives
  • FENA-11 (one-port) and FENA-21 (two-port) are compatible with ACS580, ACS480, ACS380, ACH580, ACH480, ACQ580, ACS355, ACSM1 and ACS880 drives
  • FEIP-21 is compatible with ACS580, ACS480, ACS380, ACH580, ACH480, ACQ580 and ACS880 drives
  • RETA-01 is compatible with ACS550, ACH550 and ACS800 drives



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