ABB delivers 100% uptime for data center operator Systemec

In Venlo, the Netherlands, data center operator Systemec runs a state-of-the-art TIER 3+ data center facility.

In today’s world, connectivity is everything. Just as we have come to expect instant power from a plug socket, we now presume instant network access – allowing us to connect to the internet, our business data and personal files, at any time, no matter where we are.

Behind the scenes, this instant connectivity is supported by data centers, running 24/7 to keep our network access live and to store an ever increasing amount of data.

In Venlo, the Netherlands, data center operator Systemec runs a state-of-the-art TIER 3+ data center facility. Systemec understands that businesses need reliable and trustworthy service in order to function and grow, particularly their clients, who are highly dependent on IT processes and for whom any downtime would be hugely disruptive and expensive.

“Connectivity is very important,” says Jos Derkx, General Manager at Systemec. “Industry depends on it, worldwide. It’s a big decision for a customer to take the data ‘heart’ out of their own facility. Downtime for our customers would kill their businesses. They need 24/7 uptime. At Systemec, we live on trust. We sell trust. And ABB could fulfil that 100%.”

Systemec pride themselves on providing an extremely reliable yet flexible service. Their customers have the peace of mind that they will have continuous connectivity and the opportunity to quickly upscale their data storage as required. 

Maintaining continuous uptime

When building their data center, Systemec chose ABB electrification products to ensure reliable power, save valuable floor-space and allow maintenance without interrupting customers’ network access.

Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is provided by ABB’s DPA UPScale ST. Each UPS module contains all the hardware and software required for full system operation, maximizing system uptime. Additional modules can be brought online as required without the need to transfer the critical load onto raw mains power or to remove power.

In addition the Smissline TP plug-in socket system allows live components to be added or removed while the whole system remains online, without the need for personal safety equipment.

Limiting power wastage, optimizing flexibility

Working with small to medium-sized businesses means that Systemec need flexibility to enable increases in capacity as the needs of their clients grow. Scalable solutions also mean that Systemec minimize energy wastage. Their servers are used to efficiently and they have the space and systems in place to grow quickly and simply if required.

To keep their energy under control, Systemec use ABB’s Current Measurement System to monitor their power. Jos Derkx, General Manager, notes that “With ABB’s technology, we can offer our customers 100% clean power, and by that we mean we have no spikes or dips in the power supply.”

Effective partnership with ABB

By partnering with ABB and taking advantage of both their data center products and their expertise, Systemec has been able to provide both the reliability and flexibility that their clients need. This not only means that Systemec can support the growth of their clients, but grow their own business. They will be soon be expanding with a new twin data center in Germany.

“To be successful, today’s data centers must be flexible and readily adaptable to industry changes, especially the ever-growing appetite for increased storage,” says Ciaran Flanagan Head of Global Data Center Segment at ABB. “ABB provides data center operators with intelligent solutions to support continuous operation, space saving, efficiency, safety and security.”

Derkx says of the relationship between Systemec and ABB, “We made sure that we were making the right product choice by visiting ABB’s production plants. The people at ABB were very open to showing us the benefits of their products as well as the quality controls that they carry out.”

With the world on the brink of the 4th Industrial Revolution, driven by an explosion of data, computing power and connectivity between machines and people, data centers have never been more vital.

That’s why ABB’s offering ranges from protection against cyber security threats to modular, scalable UPS, and from intelligent management software to efficient substation design. By matching innovative technology with their industry expertise, ABB enables data center businesses like Systemec to provide a high-quality service to their customers as well as improve the efficiency and safety of their operations.

Flanagan comments, “At ABB, we know secure, reliable power is essential to keep data driven businesses running 24 hours a day. Intelligent data needs intelligent power.”


ABB’s Smissline TP plug-in socket system allows live components to be added or removed without the need for personal safety equipment.

ABB’s electrical solutions provide 100% clean power, without any spikes or dips. This can be monitored with Current Measurement System 700.

Jos Derkx, General Manager at Systemec: “Downtime for our customers would kill their businesses. They need 24/7 uptime.”

The Emax X1 circuit-breaker is small, powerful and safe, protecting the data center from power overloads.