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Solar string combiner boxes

A plug & play solution for solar installations

In a photovoltaic system, the modules are arranged in strings and fields depending on the type of inverter used, the total power and the technical characteristics of the modules.

ABB offers a plug & play solution that accommodates overcurrent protection devices, disconnectors and surge protective devices (SPDs) in one solar combiner box. Depending on the application, combiners are equipped with monitoring devices to measure current, voltage and temperature to ensure the availability of the strings and to maximize generation. The string combiner boxes form subsystems that can be standardized according to the number of strings, voltage and rated current.

ABB offers different product ranges, each dedicated to specific installation conditions with typical configurations.

Main benefits     

  • Solar string combiners improve safety of solar panels and the entire photovoltaic plant
  • Solar combiner box, also called DC switchboard, as plug and play solution factory-assembled with the monitoring device, fuse disconnectors with fuse links, surge protective devices and switch disconnectors
  • Global availability ensures on-site delivery at any part of the world
  • Six different enclosure sizes flexibility to cover the range up to 32 strings

Main Features  

  • Factory-assembled combiner box solutions for all residential, commercial and utility-scale applications with single string, or up to 32 strings in 1000V and 1500VDC; monitoring optional
  • Solar string combiners are built with Gemini thermoplastic outdoor enclosures due to its great mechanical strength
  • Protection against dust, heavy seas or powerful jets of water, chemicals and high UV rays thanks to its mechanical features: IP66,  IK10 and GWT 750°C
  • Electrical features: double insulation (Class II), Ui/Ue: 1000V DC/1500V D
  • Depending on site conditions Gemini enclosures can be floor standing or wall mounted

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