Milestone opening of ABB NavyDrive factory in Ulsteinvik, Norway

Wednesday 10th May the ABB Coast Guard & Navy (CGN) reached an important milestone, the opening of the new NavyDrive factory. This not only serves as a manifestation of the work laid down by the team over the last six years but is also a show of confidence to the market and to our signed customers. Operations to start deliveries of the very first NavyDrive´s will soon be commencing.

The factory will assemble the new ABB NavyDrive which is based on Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) drives. Naval vessel applications have a list of specifications above and beyond what COTS products are designed for. To enter this market, a ruggedization of these products is needed to make sure our solutions are compliant with Naval Specifications. The demands range from shock, vibration, and size, to Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI).

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These stringent and tough to achieve specifications mean that the entire cabinet has been redesigned and ruggedized to become significantly more robust, and various EMC constraints and filters has been designed into the drive to fulfill the electromechanical requirements for grey vessels.

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Although not a very large factory in an ABB perspective, it is still an important show of confidence to the local ABB community in Ulsteinvik. Over the last 20 years there has been accumulated a lot of local competence and know-how crucial for the Coast Guard & Navy projects that lie ahead.

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