
Technology shifts in the Coast Guard market is now starting to align with the commercial technology focus, changes in overall fuel efficiency, drive for electric propulsion, and the need for multiple power sources as in an Integrated Power System. In addition to offering a higher electrical load capacity, there are several other key benefits with choosing an optimized and integrated power and propulsion system.


• Smaller installation space
• Longer operation range
• Lower OPEX through reduced fuel consumption and potential longer maintenance intervals
• Global service capabilities
• Fit for future power sources and loads.




Electric power: opportunities for coast guard and navy vessels

Across the shipping industry, electric power systems incorporating batteries and energy storage systems, fuel cells and other sources of shipboard energy and ship-shore energy integration, are set to transform ship design and operation in the years ahead. At the same time, sensors on board ships are transmitting fast increasing amounts of data between systems, accumulating knowledge on board and on shore to optimize operations and enhance remote support.


ABB to provide comprehensive vessel services to Canadian Coast Guard fleet

ABB has been awarded a National Individual Standing Offer (NISO) to provide full-scope services for equipment installed on board Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) vessels, reducing maintenance costs, and increasing uptime.

Our offering

Energy storage

Integrate battery power with other energy sources, to produce optimal results

Daniel Ahern

VPNavy & Coast Guard Segment
+1 954 261 1833