
ABB´s full delivery includes electric power plant, Azipod thrusters, mission equipment, automation and integrated operations together with voyage and energy advisory. As a total system integrator we take full responsibility throughout all project phases, and you benefit from single-supply efficiency and reliability. 

ABB offers electric propulsion and power systems for 
  • Cutter Suction Dredgers
  • Trailing Suction Hopper Dredgers
  • Subsea Rock Installation Vessels

In the electric drive dredging concept, a number of diesel engines are running generators that supply electrical power to the main switchboards to which all consumers are connected. The electric dredger system consists of power plant (include diesel-genset and main switchboard), supply transformers and frequency converters, and a set of dredger related consumers, dredger drives control unit and remote control system and optional diagnostics system. 

The dredger related consumers include but not limited to following equipment: 
  • Dredger pump motor
  • Jet pump motor 
  • Cutter motor 
  • Underwater pump 
  • Seal water pump motor

Are you looking for support or purchase information?

Solutions for dredgers


Marcus Högblom

VP Global Sales
Head of Sales, HBL Finland

+358 503 321 900