Separation by continuous centrifugation

Efficiently and economically recover all components contained in the coating effluents

The technology of separation using centrifugation is a patent pending ABB solution which enables to recover efficiently and economically all components contained in the coating effluents in order to reuse them in the composition of fresh coating colour.

A two-stage treatment

Effluents are treated at low solid content through a two-stage treatment : 
  • 1st stage = chemical treatment by mixing effluents with additive to improve the separation of mineral and organic components, 
  • 2nd stage = physical treatment using a centrifugation unit to separate the mineral and organic components from the filtrate. 

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  • High capacity continuous treatment
  • Recovery of coating raw materials in a concentrated stream
  • Reduction of COD* and BOD**
  • Simplified effluent treatment with a compact, robust, low energy system 
  • Automated operation with full control system 
  • Cost-effective treatment to meet environmental regulations 
  • High availability process
  • Low maintenance cost
  • Low energy consumption
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