Control room furniture and equipment

Ergonomic control room furniture and auxiliary equipment specially designed for the long-run and built to last in 24/7 environments that meet and exceed the highest control room design standards

Control room operators are not static robots. They are human beings who thrive on variety, stimulation, activity and choice. Each individual has different dimensions and can have a different cone of fixations, line of sight, near-point, field of vision and postural preferences within a given task zone.

Empower operators to optimize processes

Control room operator actions have a direct impact on uptime, production output, quality and safety. However, operators are often hindered by a lack of attention to human factors. This hinders their ability to ‘stay-on-top’ of the situation.

ABB control room furniture, equipment and layout solutions improve operators’ working conditions by providing a complete micro-environment that adapts to each individual’s needs. This attractive ergonomic environment helps operators do a better, more effective job, thereby enhance plant availability, profitability and safety.

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