Enel Generación modernizes hydropower fleet with ABB Ability™


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ABB Ability™ digital control technology helped Enel to connect its hydropower fleet across Chile, improving coordination and information-sharing.

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Connect 16 hydropower plants throughout Chile to better meet Chile’s increasing power generation demands and renewable energy targets.


ABB helped Enel to connect 16 of its Chilean hydropower plants, situated in distant locations, to its headquarters in the capital of Santiago. ABB supplied a digital solution based on its ABB Ability™ Symphony® Plus control technology. This technology collects information from the remotely-located Zonal Operations Centers and supplies it to Enel’s central Control Room Hydro, allowing a better coordination of the hydroelectric fleet and improved information-sharing within Enel and Chile’s National Energy Coordinator.


With ABB’s remote support offering, the location of Enel’s hydropower plants became less of an operational obstacle, with engineers no longer required to venture out to distant sites. This allowed Enel to redeploy its operators onto other tasks in Santiago, enabling the utility to optimize its process operations.

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