Helping Bangladesh automate power more efficiently

ABB to supply Symphony Plus total plant automation system solutions for a new duel fuel combined cycle power plant in Bangladesh.

ABB was awarded a contract by Larsen & Toubro Limited (L&T), one of the largest Indian Public  sector companies in technology, construction and manufacturing, for the complete supply of Symphony® Plus control system for the 225 megawatt (MW) Sikalbaha combined cycle power plant located at Sikalbaha, Chittagong, in Bangladesh.

Owned and operated by Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB), a public organization responsible for major generation and transmission of electricity for the country, the construction of the power plant aims to meet the growing power demand in Bangladesh while providing efficient and reliable power especially to the consumers in Chittagong area.

The solution is based on ABB Symphony Plus total plant automation platform which includes S+ Operations human machine interface, and S+ Engineering. ABB is responsible for the complete supply, design, engineering, supervision of installation and commissioning of the Symphony Plus control systems for the entire combined cycle power plant including, HRSG and the balance of plant. 

ABB will also provide a simulator within the power plant for operational training. The system promotes the understanding of the operational processes, thus increases operator’s efficiency and prepare them to handle critical situations, at the same time improving their decision making in a safe and realistic virtual plant environment.

Upon completion as scheduled on fourth quarter of 2017, the intuitive, easy-to-use S+ Operations HMI provides customer with improved plant design flexibility for better control of their process applications. The compact and simplified S+ Engineering workbench gives enhanced information analysis leading to overall improvement of plant efficiency, reliability and availability, through the high capacity.  

L&T selected ABB's Symphony Plus automation system platform, proven track record of ABB’s vast experience in power plants and excellent execution and service support in Bangladesh, especially for BPDB’s power plants.

ABB has recently supplied the complete Symphony Plus automation solutions to Bangladesh power plants, namely Barapukuria 250MW coal fired power plant, Meghnaghat 350 MW gas fired combined cycle power plant and Bhola 225 MW combined cycle power plant located at Dinajpur, Naryangani and Bhola district, respectively.

Symphony Plus is ABB’s automation platform for the power generation and water industries. It is designed to meet the requirements of engineering, procurement and construction contractors in the power and water sectors, and of plant owners in all geographic markets and in all types of power generation and water treatment. There are now more than 6,500 Symphony DCS installations in operation all over the world, with more than 4,500 in power and water applications.

Main data

Application: Combined cycle power plant
Capacity: 225 MW
Technology: Symphony Plus
Geographical location: Asia / Bangladesh
Year of commissioning: Q4 2017

Links and downloads

Symphony Plus