Compact HMI

A scalable PC based SCADA system for real-time operation of your plant

Based on ABB‘s System 800xA DCS, Compact HMI can be used in diverse industries, ranging from a single operator workstation with 50 signals and scale up to applications with several thousand signals and workplaces. It is designed to the Windows standard of interaction, supplemented with an information-centric object structure, to reflect the information in a plant. Compact HMI can not only directly interface to a large number of OPC-compliant controllers but also it comes with built in drivers to connect to major PLCs. 

With our Smart Client technology you can quickly and easily remotely access real time plant data on your office PC analyze it directly, and then create a wide variety of reports.


  • One Click To Information where all information related to an object is instantly displayed by an intuitive point-and-click-style
  • High performance pre-fabricated, re-usable graphics library based on industry best-practice principles to help quick creation and utilization of graphic displays
  • Embedded CAD Viewer for object centric CAD drawings
  • Direct interface to a large number of OPC-compliant controllers and also includes built in drivers to connect to major PLCs
  • Bulk Data tool for configuring data with minimal engineering
  • Smart Client for intelligent data access and viewing to facilitate in making quick, informed decisions and improving performance
  • Flexible alarm management with alarm shelving and alarm analysis for convenient alarm monitor and analysis
  • Real-time notification of alarms via email or SMS
Compact HMI quickstart DVD

Packed with videos and demos to help you understand Compact HMI - a member of ABB's Essential Automation HSI Suite


Compact HMI Server  Compact HMI Client
 Hardware requirements Hardware requirements 
  • Standard PC with Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 (32/64-bit) English version

  • 1.5 GHz multicore CPU
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 120 GB HD
  • Graphics card with 512 MB memory
  • Standard PC with Windows 7 and Office 2010 and 2013 (32 bit version)

  • 1.5 GHz multi-core CPU
  • 3 GB RAM
  • 60 GB HD (SAS or SATA)
  • Graphics card with 1GB memory
 Supported Configurations Supported Configurations
  • 1 Server Workplace Operation and Engineering
  • Integrated Smart Client Server
  • 1-10 Smart Client Workplaces or Remote Workplaces
 Server Workplace​ Size Option Pack Client Workplace Size
  • 50 Signals (20 Tags)
  • 500 Signals (200 Tags)
  • 2500 Signals (1000 Tags)
  • ≤ 200 Signals
  • ≤ 500 Signals
  • ≤ 1000 Signals
  • ≤ 2500 Signals
  • ≤ 5000 Signals
  • ≤ 10000 Signals

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