Services for DCS components from ABB Compact Product Suite

All support you need if you use process controllers, safety controllers, field interfaces, process recorders or HMIs from ABB in your own distributed control system

We are looking after original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), system integrators and plant operators using DCS components from ABB Compact product Suite.  Our service solutions ensure the continued productivity, reliability and capability of the installed assets.

Managed properly, all the products from ABB Compact Product Suite can provide continually higher levels of performance throughout their life cycle. Rather than degrading over time, they can be maintained in a way that vastly extends their longevity and continually increases their performance.

We help OEMs to create success with their control requirements. Our service offering includes training, spare parts and software upgrades with service agreements and support:

Development support

  • Create new features
  • Develop customer specific libraries
  • Integrate to 3rd party hardware e.g. other vendors PLC, I/O’s, drives, motors etc

Application support - Realize the full potential of ABB’s control products. We will help you to convert and/or re-do your control code


Our offerings

Most popular services
All services by category
Parts services

Genuine spares, inventory programs, parts testing, repair and failure analysis


Preventive maintenance program with pre-specified easy-to-order kits

Extensions, Upgrades and Retrofits
Engineering and Consulting
Spares and Cosumables

We also recommend

Reference case studies

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