Touch screen desks for control rooms - Collaboration Table

An interactive 55-inch touchscreen table designed for collaboration gives your operations control center or management board room a new attractive way of presenting information on different levels - from an enterprise overview to process KPIs.

The perfect solution for informed discussions and collaboration between teams on all levels in your company. From operator shift changes to project team gatherings and management meetings this is the right solution leveraging the performance of your operations. 

The table is designed for collaboration, with height and angle adjustment of the table surface. The 55-inch screen is an interactive touch based tool which is used to easy access information. The table comes as a packaged solution which includes desk, PC and touch screen.

The Collaboration Table is lean to fit into existing buildings and office environments but still robust to be used for industrial applications. The table has an ergonomic design for collaboration with height and angulation adjustment. The angulation even supports a flip of 180° and thus allows to view the screen from two different sides.

Are you looking for support or purchase information?

The Collaboration Table is a stable and robust all-in-one solution, made specifically for collaboration in the control room.

Opens up for new ways of collaborating

Informed decisions made easy

ABB data analytics software for use with the Collaboration Table

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