DOX 10 for Satt DCS

DOX 10 for ABB Satt DCS controllers Satt 19" Rack and SattCon 200, a Windows based multi-mode software engineering tool.

Easy to learn and easy to work with, DOX 10 runs on a normal PC. It features libraries of standard modules. Debugged user-defined modules can be saved and re-used to save pro-gramming time and increase quality.

DOX 10 gives you five different programming methods - SFC (Grafcet), function block, ladder diagram, instruction list and structured text - and enables on-line testing, tuning, troubleshooting and programming. 

DOX 10 features: 

  • re-usability saves engineering time
  • minimal hardware requirements
  • on-line testing, tuning, trouble-shooting and programming

DOX 10 life cycle status
DOS 10 is in the Active life cycle phase​.


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