Transformer Life Management Conference 2017

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From 18 until 19 September 2017 the Transformer Life Management Conference takes place at Willingen along with an associated technical exhibition.

The focus of the Transformer-Life-Management conference (TLM) is safe and dependable transformer operations and optimized service. For over 11 years the TLM is a forum for experts, engineers, manufacturers and exhibitors that exchange information necessary for long operation times, high dependability and low maintenance and failure times of transformers. Topics are new insulation materials, diagnostic measurements and their interpretation, continuous monitoring and asset management, recent developments in the energy sector as well as research and development.

The approx. 20 speakers are operators and manufacturers, that like to share their experience and scientists, that present their research activities in diagnostics and material science. The exhibition with approx. 25 exhibitors provides room for practice oriented discussions.

This year there is an emphasis on dry type transformers, special diagnostic methods and trends because of the energy Transition.

We would like to invite you to this very special 11th anniversary issue of the transformer life management conference. We want to stimulate the innovation and improvement of not only new, but also existing machinery. By working together, sharing our experiences and knowledge combined with developing new ideas, it is certain that we will save money and our environment at the same time.




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