Benefits for your process by using variable speed drives

Savings in electricity consumption thanks to frequency converters

An inverter is a device that regulates the speed of electric motors to match the actual demand of the application, thus reducing the energy consumption of the engine between 20 and 50%.

Converters reduce power output of an application such as a pump or a fan, by controlling engine speed, ensuring that operate at a speed no greater than necessary. Many motors are oversized to meet peak demand that rarely if ever does occur. The converter moderate engine speed to suit the actual application requirements. Often this involves reducing energy consumption up to 50% and, in extreme cases, up to 90%.

ABB drives motor control operation bringing it to its optimal point for the application so that the power consumed is exactly needed, apart from enabling smooth starts. This, apart from saving energy, extends the life of your equipment and installation to prevent them from deterioration, excessive maintenance requirements and downtime.

Benefits of using drives

- Process control accuracy by controlling the phase velocity can be adjusted without limit

- Fault Protection for motor and cables

- Start and soft stop to prevent mechanical damage in the process

- Reduced maintenance due to smooth start

- Wide ranges of speed, torque and power for precise speed control, and therefore optimization of the process and the improvement of product quality

- The improved power factor helps to maintain engine efficiency low load

- Eletromagnetic protection against interference with other sensitive equipment

- Increased production thanks to an engine speed adapted

Where to install drives to achieve energy savings

Currently found in industry routinely several inefficient situations where the use of a converter significantly increase the efficiency and productivity:

• oversized facilities,

• applications with inefficient engines

• inefficient methods of control such as throttling, bypass and on-off

• equipment operating unnecessarily long hours. In many other cases, the engines are forced to work at their nominal or above conditions even when it is not necessary for the team trailing.

All this means energy consumed unnecessarily without incurring any gain, incurring perfectly avoidable expenses.


Return on investment in less than one year

Hand in hand with the opportunity to energy savings, the other main attraction of the converters passes the speed of return on investment: in most cases the amortization of the cost is less than a year and reducing consumption is detected from the first time. In addition, there are various possibilities of receiving public aid for payment of improvements focused on energy efficiency and specific credit lines for these projects in some banks.

All-compatible drives portfolio

ABB has created All-compatible drives portfolio, the new common architecture for robust and reliable frequency converters ABB designed to simplify operation, optimize energy efficiency and maximize performance.

Learn to use it once and use it anywhere

All-compatible drives share the same architecture and user interfaces, so there is a frequency inverter for virtually any application. Once you have used a frequency converter you are able to use them all. The knowledge acquired with each new facility will streamline their processes and businesses.

The idea behind the All-compatible portfolio is simple: the better the drive fits to the processes, users, business and environmental goals, you will enjoy the benefits.

 The converters meet the unique needs of their processes, help you save energy and reduce operating costs. In addition, All-compatible means that our drives are easy to select, use and maintain.

ACS580 general purpose drive

The wall-mounted ACS580 is ABB general purpose drive and member of the All-compatible drives portfolio. The drive makes the complicated simple to control processes efficiently.

The drive controls a wide range of applications in different sectors, yet requires very little configuration and commissioning time. All the basic features are integrated as standard, which reduces the need for additional hardware and simplifies the selection of the drive. The drive is ready for controlling pumps, fans, conveyors, mixers and many other applications of constant and variable torque.

The ACS580 drive has integrated calculators energy efficiency, including the kWh used and saved, reducing CO2 emissions and saved money, helping users refine processes to ensure the optimal use of energy. 

ACS880 industrial drive

And if you need even more sophisticated features? Then choose the next family member of All-compatible portfolio: the ACS880 industrial drive.

The ACS880 drives can be adapted to the specific needs of industries and to control a wide range of applications like cranes, extruders, winches, winders, conveyors, mixers, compressors, pumps and fans.

The ACS880 range includes unique converters, multiple converters and converter modules.

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