ABB's Drives Remote Support prevented likely stoppage of coke production

At the giant SSAB steel factory in Raahe on the west coast of Finland, a new Drives Remote Support service delivered a positive payback from the very start. The remote service, designed to allow ABB's drive experts to analyze alarms on drives from long distances away, helped the mill's coking plant avoid a possible breakdown.

Even though the system was only in the early stages of pilot trial aimed at testing the concept of Remote Support, an alarm on the critical coke elevator operating was noticed by ABB personnel. Acting quickly, both remotely and on-site, the combined SSAB and ABB teams successfully worked together to avert what could have been a very big problem.

Timo Vierimaa, the production manager at the SSAB coking plant, is very pleased with the new system. "Motors and drives play an important role in our processes, not only in terms of production reliability and quality, but also of course regarding occupational safety for our people."

"This Remote Support service is one of those things which has been fun to do with ABB because we’ve been their pilot. During this pilot we realized that remote support was going to be both a nice thing to try but also a very important service for our future. It has served us already in practical terms."

If you are interested to know more about SSAB's incident, please check the video and the case note below.

The combined SSAB and ABB teams successfully worked together to avert what could have been a very big problem.


Customer  SSAB 
Location  Raahe, Finland 
Project scope  Pilot Remote Support for ACS800
Keys to success  Cooperation and timely information from ABB service team

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