Progressive modernization of 151 drives for up-to-date technology on the SSAB's galvanizing line
“Galvanizing line 3 makes products which can’t be made elsewhere at SSAB,” explains Tero Saarenmaa, Electrical Maintenance Section Manager, at the Hämeenlinna plant. "If a problem occurs anywhere in the production line, whether it be the motors or drives, the whole process is halted and products currently under production are destroyed. These products are made to order, so keeping the production running without downtime is absolutely essential.”
The retrofit of 151 drives is being carried out in a step-by-step manner during planned maintenance shutdowns, thus avoiding lengthy downtime and production disruption. Doing the work in phases means the cost of the investment is spread over several years.
"The ability to tailor the solution specifically to SSAB’s needs was important", says Matti Aaltonen, ABB Drives and Controls Service Sales Manager. "As a standard retrofit solution didn’t fully fit their requirements, the solution has been tailored to SSAB’s specific needs."