Cement customers turn to ABB for expanding their PIMS/MES solution with the advanced production scheduling software - as a way to meet their business objectives around energy costs, inventory and equipment utilization.  Such software applications need to be tailored exactly to the individual plant and industry-specific requirements.

The biggest added value is created by linking cement production planning to real-time data, events, energy tariffs, and various operational constraints - to evaluate their impact on business targets and costs. Just like GPS for cars informs us about the distance to move and the expected arrival time.  

Sara Vidal  LinkedIn
Product Manager for process, production and quality information management solutions at ABB Process Industries

GPS-like decision support in cement manufacturing

We are so used to GPS assistance in our cars nowadays! GPD offers us alternative routes with or without toll roads and keeps adapting to the current position, traffic situation, planned or unplanned stops. GPS has changed our lives forever.

Did you know that with the ABB’s advanced production scheduling software, it is possible to get a similar kind of decision support in the dynamic cement manufacturing context?

  • Find the best way to use available resources (people, equipment, materials) based on their capacity to complete a production order, check any time whether you are on track, and act accordingly.
  • When the process allows, shift production to times when energy is cheaper.
  • When unexpected resource failures occur, immediately reschedule based on the alternative planning scenario and be able to answer the crucial questions about delivery dates and costs.
  • Generate the list of operator instructions to be followed and improve their adherence to plan.
  • Negotiate better energy supplier contracts thanks to more accurate consumption forecasts.

“GPS” for cement production – which we call CPS, Cement Production Scheduler – still leaves the desired decision-making authority and freedom with the production planners. CPS helps them define various scenarios in advance, visualize their impact on energy consumption, costs, inventory and other KPIs. Thanks to real-time data connectivity they can compare targets with the actual status of production, quickly and accurately estimate consequences of their decisions.

Data integration and cross-functional collaboration

Since scheduling is less worthy in a standalone form - data integration and cross-functional collaboration are key to improvement. There must be a simplified data flow between the existing systems and an on-going coordination among different teams. Process operators, production management, maintenance need better tools than spreadsheets and emails to communicate what the plant is doing, when, how they work, when the shutdowns are scheduled, what the sales targets are, etc.  

That’s why the natural home for CPS is within our process and production information management system (PIMS/MES). It is called ABB Ability™ Knowledge Manager, and it acts as an interface between business, automation, laboratory and other systems. That’s where the short-term decisions are made and where the necessary information is available – ensuring meaningful and scalable results.

Consult our experts

Whether you are already using ABB Ability™ Knowledge Manager software or not, we can help you link cement production planning to real-time data, events, energy tariffs, and various operational constraints - to evaluate their impact on your energy costs and other business priorities.

Quickly adapt to unexpected changes and make the right adjustments to achieve your goals while ensuring optimal use of resources, adherence to safety and environmental compliance. 

Use the contact form below to get started.