When working with the trends part of the Trends and Events Application, users can perform detailed analysis of trend data. Users simply drag and drop trend tags within a given time frame, using the search engine, to add trend data to the trend display. The trend display supports zoom and pan, multiple x-axis and various presentation styles such as line, mountain, etc.
For each trend center lining limits can be assigned. Deviation from these center line limits are displayed as speific heatmaps or in the trend canvas. This allows users to get a good overview and easy detect deviations from these given limits. An event list displays all related events to the trend tags displayed in the trend display allowing users to analyze related events to current selection of trends.
When working with the events part of the Trend and Events Application users simply drag and drop different events types within a given time frame, using the search engine, to populate the event grid. The event grid supports advanced filtering, grouping and search capabilities of the current selection of events and the layout is easy to customize to fit a particular use case. Statistical functions such as event frequency over time and event distribution based on any selected event attribute are available and continuously updated in the same view. Thus creating an effective workflow to search, find, filter and analyze events.