VD4 evo. Evolution that empowers

VD4 evo is the digital evolution of the globally recognized indoor vacuum circuit breaker VD4 – designed, engineered and manufactured for a seamless transition from traditional to digital. The integrated sensors enable advanced monitoring and diagnostic features for real-time monitoring of thermal, mechanical, and electrical parameters, allowing remote asset management and thus reducing maintenance cost and contributing to reduced downtime. VD4 evo is also available in standard configurations without sensors. The flexibility of the design enables future digital upgrades, including sensors, if required.

VD4 evo offers

More efficiency

Reduced footprint optimized for narrower switchgear. Compatible with previous VD4 models for convenient retrofit. Real-time data retrieval for fast problem identification. The flexibility of the design enables future digital upgrades for VD4 evo variants without optional sensors.


More safety

Embedded sensors facilitate real-time health status data, risk evaluations and recommendation for predictive maintenance of the circuit breaker. Analysis of thermal, electrical and mechanical data enables a comprehensive overview of the circuit breaker’s performance, contributing to a reduction of unexpected outages. 


More connectivity

VD4 evo can be directly integrated with ABB’s ZEE60 SCADA solution enabling a direct cloud connection, or alternatively integrated with a third party SCADA and gateway. Intuitive dashboard for circuit breaker monitoring and diagnostics. QR code for fast retrieval of online documentation. WIFI or cable connection enabled. 


VD4 evo in the words of our experts

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