1. How much impact of ABB products that could save our world?
You can read more about ABB’s approach to a more sustainable world here: https://global.abb/group/en/sustainability
2. You stated that hydrogen can be used for green production of electricity. How are you extracting hydrogen for this purpose making sure that it still remains environmental-friendly?
ABB’s broad portfolio encompasses the full hydrogen value chain from production, transportation, storage to consumption. We are working closely with partners and our customers to create the new hydrogen ecosystem. Visit this web page to learn more: https://new.abb.com/process-automation/energy-industries/hydrogen
Questions on REX610
3. What are the protection functions offered in REX610?
Please refer to the Data Sheet for protection functions available in the first release.
4. Can the REX610 be replaced online? I.e. can the relay be replaced while the feeder/motor/load is online?
Personnel safety must be of highest priority and the panel should always be de-energized before commencing any maintenance work on site.
5. How can we manage root cause analysis in case of failures?
Generally, in case of any failure on site, a proper analysis should be done to determine the source of the failure, such as equipment failures or improper handling or operation.
6. Which new application coverage is planned?
REX610 is a multi-application relay and new applications will be introduced gradually.
7. How is REX610 different to REF615?
REX610 is an all-in-one protection relay for multiple applications. REF615 is a dedicated feeder protection relay.
8. What is the difference between REX610 and REX640?
Both relay types are part of the Relion family. REX640 is the perfect choice for advanced power generation and distribution applications. REX610 covers the full range of basic power distribution applications.
9. Is there possibility to buy only the relay’s mobile part, in case replacement is needed, without needing to order the chassis (fixed part) ?
REX610 relays are delivered as complete relays from the factory. Additional modules, such as the current input modules and voltage input modules, can be ordered separately.
10. What position does REX610 have, is it replacing REF611 in the Relion family?
REX610 is an addition to the Relion product family. It is not currently replacing any other Relion relay series.
11. Is the same Product Selection Tool used for REX610, too?
Yes, you can use the already familiar Product Selection Tool for selecting your REX610.
12. Does REX610 have a large display? And multi-protocol communication?
REX610 has one option for display size. It can run IEC 61850 and Modbus simultaneously.
13. Can we configure REX610 using a laptop?
You can configure REX610 using PCM600 on your laptop. PCM600 is the tool used for all Relion relays and is available free-of-charge.
14. When will the SPA and LON communication protocols be ready?
IEC 61850 and Modbus will be available in the first release. More protocols will be available in the future.
15. How about time stamping? Is REX610 able to do that?
Yes. Events are time stamped.
16. Alarm LEDs available on the REX610 should be of Tricolor type and color can be selected through PCM600 Software based on the Application/Status?
The 10 programmable LEDs can be freely programmed using PCM600.
17. Could the REX610 relay be replaced without shutting down the primary circuit that the relay is protecting? Meaning that the CT input contacts would be shorted automatically at the relay housing when the relay body is being pulled out from the housing that is fixed at the circuit panel.
As the currenhttps://campaign.abb.com/InnovativeSimplicity/Datasheett input module is located in the case the withdrawal of the REX610 plug-in unit will not open the current secondary circuit.
18. What are the basic protection applications available in the first release?
Please refer to the Data Sheet for protection functions available in the first release.
19. Are REX610 relays suitable for CT/VT sensors?
Conventional CTs and VTs are supported in the first release.
20. Are all SPACOM relays covered by the RRP using REX610?
In the first release 12 different types of SPACOM relays can be replaced by REX610. The list of SPACOM relays that can be replaced will grow as REX610 takes on additional functionality in upcoming releases.
21. It is possible to load the configuration from the REM615 relay into the
REX610 relay?
Not directly. It is possible to take e.g. a 615 series configuration and convert it into a REX610 configuration. PCM600 will keep the functions supported by REX610 while functions not supported will be removed. Some manual chang-es to the configuration might be required.
22. What is the standard protection function for REX610?
Please refer to the Data Sheet for protection functions available in the first release.
23. When will deliveries start? We might have reference project for these.
Deliveries will start later in 2022.
24. I/0 measured and I/0 calculated can be selected for each earth fault stage ?
25. What are the maximum digital inputs and outputs that can be selected or available?
Please refer to the Data Sheet for maximum digital inputs and outputs available in the first release.
Technical details will be made available at the point of sales release in the technical product documentation.
Please watch the recording from the launch event for many more questions and answers. You can register to watch it here: https://campaign.abb.com/l/501021/2021-05-20/td9jzv