360° tour allows a virtual visit to the medium-voltage relay factory

Take our 360° tour to find out how we make our renowned Relion® relays, which protect people and equipment, and ensure uninterrupted power supply all over the globe. A visit to our factory is just a few clicks away – welcome to ABB’s Medium Voltage Products factory in Vaasa, Finland. 

No matter where in the world you are located, you can now virtually visit our manufacturing facilities and enjoy a simulated physical presence – as long as you have access to the Internet. Either use your smartphone together with a pair of VR (virtual reality) or Google Cardboard goggles to get the full three-dimensional (3D), immersive experience, or use your computer or tablet for an interactive visit. 
You can take a 360-degree look around our manufacturing facilities and find an information panel in every room you visit. At the same time, you will be accompanied by a tour guide throughout the tour. 

We take great pride in guaranteeing that every single relay undergoes rigorous testing before leaving the factory to join ABB’s other more than 1.5 million medium-voltage relays in use all over the world. To find out 'how it’s made', take the tour here

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