Bus connection module RER 133

Designed to work with RE_ 54_ products

Not active product since 2016

The bus connection module RER 133 acts as an interfacing unit between a RE_541/3/5 host device and a Modbus or DNP 3.0 system. The RER 133 module converts an RS-232 signal to an RS-485 signal. It is not a stand-alone device. A RE_541/3/5 host device is always required to power the module.


  • The RER 133 Bus Connection Module acts as an interfacing unit between an
    RE_54_ host device and a SPA, Modbus or DNP 3.0 system
Product benefits
  • Easy RS-485 serial communication access for RE_541/3/5 products

Product features
  • Supports communication speeds from 300 to 19200 bits/s
  • Aids collision detection and avoidance at communication speeds 4800, 9600 and 19200 bits/s

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