Synchro-check relay SPAU 140 C

Not active product since 2012

The numerical synchro-check relay type SPAU 140 C is a voltage measuring relay designed to be used when two power systems are to be connected together.

The synchro-check relay SPAU 140 C can be used for both synchro-check functions and voltage-check functions. The synchro-check function is used when two separate networks or two electrically interconnected network sections are to be connected together. The voltage-check function is used when a disconnected bus/line is to be connected to an energized section of a network. The synchro-check function allows circuit breaker closing only if the voltages on both sides of the circuit breaker fulfill the preset conditions as to magnitude, phase and frequency difference.


  • Synchro-check protection

Product benefits

  • Protecting your networks when connecting separate parts to a energized network

Product features

  • Two identical operation stages allowing the closing conditions of two separate circuit breakers to be checked
  • Synchro-check function available for both operation stages
  • Voltage-check function available for both operation stages
  • Two different operation modes: continuous
  • Continuous auto-diagnostic self-supervision of both relay hardware and software

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