Release of new functionality for SSC600 – centralized protection and control for distribution substations

2020-04-08 Release announcement

We are pleased to announce the release of new functionality for ABB Ability™ smart substation control and protection for electrical systems SSC600, which centralizes all protection and control functionality in one device on substation level for station-wide visibility, minimal engineering, and easy and cost-efficient process management. Combining SSC600 with merging units creates a unique, IEC 61850-compliant, centralized protection and control solution.

The modular software and the continuous access to new software developments allow easy customization and adaptation to changing protection requirements for the lifetime of the digital substation. The advantage of only having to modify one device instead of all bay-level protection and control devices makes upgrading the entire substation system easier than ever.

A secure and reliable busbar protection is key to avoiding unnecessary disconnection of numerous feeders, which might otherwise cause a power outage for a large number of utility customers or production downtime in industry. The busbar protection also needs to be fast enough as uncleared faults generate high fault currents with thermal effects and dynamic forces as a result.

SSC600 therefore introduces an advanced, low impedance-based, high-speed busbar differential protection for detecting faults within the distribution substation and suitable for a variety of switchgear. Depending on the substation configuration, the busbar differential protection consists of either one or two zones and is suitable for both single and double-busbar configurations.With SSC600 now also covering busbar differential protection, there is no longer a need for dedicated, bay-specific busbar protection relays. Instead, SSC600 offers protection and control for the entire busbar and its up to 20 bays – by simply adding software.

What’s new?

  • Low impedance-based busbar differential protection (BBPBDF/87B), consisting of one or two zones depending on the substation configuration (single busbar, double busbar, one or two sections). Other related functionality is:
    • Separated check zone
    • Integrated sensitive earth-fault protection
    • Through-fault detection
    • Open CT detection
    • Separated zone selection for easy configuration
  • Voltage switch (VMSWI) for switching between four different voltage groups
  • Current switch (CMSWI) for switching between four different current groups
  • Current sum (CMSUM) – a phase-by-phase specific summing function for two current triplets
  • Role-based access control enabling customized roles with modifiable rights and unique user accounts
  • Centralized activity logging with syslog support
  • Various engineering enhancements including:
    • Configuration migration from previous SSC600 versions
    • Graphical GOOSE engineering
    • Graphical setting for protection coordination

Product range

  • Smart substation control and protection SSC600


  • Centralized protection and control in one single device for reduced network complexity
  • Easy and efficient process management with station-wide process visibility
  • Extensive application coverage with one device for flexibility and optimal
  • Ready-made application packages for convenient and smooth ordering
  • Fully modular software for maximum flexibility throughout the substation’s entire life cycle
  • Easy adaption to changing network protection requirements
  • Continuous access to the latest software and hardware developments
  • Fast, easy and cost-effective substation system upgrade with centralized protection and control solution
  • Designed to support the increasing digitalization of substations
  • Same IEC 61850-compliant setting and configuration tool – PCM600 – as for the Relion® family of relays

Main features

  • IEC 61850-compliant communication and interoperability between substation automation devices
  • Centralized protection and control in one single device for the entire substation
  • Capability to protect and control up to 20 bays
  • Protection functionality for feeder, motor and transformer applications
  • Comprehensive Web HMI (human-machine interface) including station-wide HMI functionalities
  • Disturbance recordings for the entire substation
  • IEC 61850-3-certified with inbuilt redundancy and self-supervision
  • Extensive digital services throughout the substation’s entire lifecycle

Target markets

SSC600 is targeted at the global market for medium-voltage protection and control applications.

Supported languages

SSC600 is available in English. Additional languages will be announced later.

Release webinar

Two release webinars open to a public audience will be held on Thursday, 16 April to introduce the new functionality, one at 10:00-11:00 (EET) and another at 15:00-16:00 (EET). The speaker will be Henry Niveri, product manager for SSC600. For more information and registration, please follow the links below:

Morning session @ 10:00-11:00 (EET)
Afternoon session @15:00-16:00 (EET)